Increasing the capabilities of a test ballistic missile to separate test objects
Автор: Minyaev S.I.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering
Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.25, 2024 года.
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The subject of this study is the trajectory characteristics of the long-range test ballistic missile (TBM). The purpose of the study is to increase the capabilities of TBM in separating test object (TO). At the same time, as a generalized quantitative measure of this increasing, the post-boost vehicle (PBV) fuel reserve consumed for separation of TO is studied. The design-ballistic task of rationalizing the distribution of the available fuel of the TBM PBV between the following main characteristic section of its flight has been set and numerically and analytically solved: final sustainer stage undershoot compensation; turns with subsequent angular stabilization, retreats and lead away; TO disconnection (separation section). As a result, it is shown that without reducing the quality of TBM launch tasks, it is permissible to redistribute the consumed fuel of the PBV between these section relative to the distribution for a standard ballistic missile (SBM), leading to a significant increase in its reserve consumed in the section of disconnection of the TO (when flying along the ballistic vertical). At the same time, the purpose of the study is achieved – the capabilities of the TBM in the separation of the TO are increased, which, while direct planning of launches is evaluating, can be expressed in an increase in the number and/or total mass of the TO and/or an increase in speed or time intervals in the order of sequential disconnections of the TO. The given numerical examples (using a converted three-stage SBM as a TBM) also show a significant dependence of the amount of fuel increment of the PBV consumed at the TO disconnections of the trajectory conditions of test launches (the corresponding initial data (ID) for calculations are borrowed from the author’s previously published work): length of the route; kinematic parameters of launch at the moment of independent PBV flight beginning determined by the launch task. During the study, methods of flight theory and design ballistics of LR (long range) missiles were used. As a conclusion, it can be noted that the considered task and methods for its solution can be useful (of course, taking into account the necessary specialized improvements) in works of the executive ballistics level when planning and evaluating the result of TBM launches.
Rational distribution of fuel quantity, post-boost vehicle (PBV), test ballistic missile
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329748 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-3-351-359
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