Increasing the level of technological discipline by introducing the coding system using statistical methods in the analysis

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The paper presents the results of the introduction of a coding system for violations of technological discipline in the organization by making a statistical analysis of violations. Compliance with technological discipline is a necessary condition and basis for ensuring the required quality of manufactured products. Breaking the discipline leads to the production of defective goods, to a decrease in product quality, to deterioration of working conditions, and to accidents and breakdowns of technological equipment. In this paper, we present the procedure for analyzing recurring violations based on the collected data from 12 production departments of one organization. For the implementation of the coding system the authors collected, processed and analyzed data using statistical methods such as a checklist, a histogram, a Pareto chart, a diagram of the causes and results. The use of statistical methods does not require large expenditures and makes it possible to judge the state of the phenomena (objects, processes) with a given degree of accuracy and reliability. An important feature of the application of the presented methodology is the ability to predict and regulate problems at all stages of the product life cycle and, on the basis of this, to develop optimal management decisions. Sta- tistical methods are effective tools for collecting and interpreting data, as well as analyzing quality information. Coding violations of technological discipline makes it possible to identify recurring violations, develop corrective and preventive actions, both at the level of the production department and at the level of the organization as a whole. The results obtained are of considerable interest and can be used both at enterprises of space industry and at other engineering enterprises.


Technological discipline, statistical methods, preventive actions, corrective actions

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IDR: 148177791

Список литературы Increasing the level of technological discipline by introducing the coding system using statistical methods in the analysis

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