Infinitive sentences and their place in the paradigm of elementary simple sentences as language units

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In the linguistic conception developed by K. A. Timofeev, infinitive sentences are viewed as an independent type of mononuclear sentences. They are classified on the basis of their structural and semantic features: the presence or absence of particles, the types of meanings expressed by these sentences. This interpretation of infinitive sentences is based on the concept of sentences as language units, which was accepted in the Grammar of the Russian Language (1954 / 1960). A shift in the understanding of the sentence as a language unit results in a reconsideration of the place and status of the infinitive sentences in the system of simple sentences. In the paradigm of elementary simple sentences as language unites, the infinitive sentences are not viewed independently but rather are considered to be expressive variants of various binuclear models serving for the intensification of the subjective modal component with a generalized dubitive semantic as a background. Infinitive sentences are a tool of expressive syntax; their structural schemes are a specialized syntactic means of expression of subjective modality.


Infinitive sentences, elementary simple sentence, sentence paradigm, sentence variations on the basis of grammatical categories, modality, personality

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