Influence of different music genres on human

Автор: Kushnaryov D. V.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 12 (33), 2019 года.

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The article considers the influence of different genres of music on a person. Music has a much greater impact on our lives than you can imagine. In our complex world, any phenomenon can be used both for good and for harm. Music is no exception. It creates a mood, awakens emotions in us, it can lead to excitement, tune in a sad or joyful mood. Everything can be found in music: calm, energy, and health. You just need to be able to listen. The article attempts to analyze the positive and negative effects of music on the human organism.

Music, music genres, health, music therapy, classical music

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140264129

Список литературы Influence of different music genres on human

  • Music and human health. URL:
  • Williamson V. My - eto muzyka. Kak muzyka vliyayet na nash mozg, zdorov'ye i zhizn' v tselom, 2015, p. 77-130
  • The power of music: the impact of different genres on a human. URL:
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