Influence of ecological factors to articular syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis

Автор: Tashpulatova M.M., Akhmedov Kh. S.

Журнал: Juvenis scientia @jscientia

Рубрика: Медицинские науки

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2016 года.

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This article presents results of a comparative analysis of the peculiarities of articular syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) according to the four areas of Uzbekistan. The study included 460 patients with a documented diagnosis of RA: I Zone is the northern region - Tashkent - 144 patients; II Zone is the western region - Khorezm region - 112 patients; III Zone is the eastern region - Namangan region - 104 patients and IV Zone is southern region - Surkhandarya region - 100 patients. The comparative analysis has shown that articular syndrome in RA in four different zones have certain differences. So, in II and IV areas known fact of predominance of fast progressive start, as well as more aggressive joint syndrome. The results of disperse analysis indicated degree of contamination of air and soil by xenobiotics. It depended on the clinical, radiographic and sonographic signs of articular syndrome in RA. It means that changes in the micro elementary composition of soil and air which depends on zone of residence of patients with RA in Uzbekistan contributes rate of progression of joint syndrome.


Rheumatoid arthritis, articular syndrome, экологическиe факторы, ecologic factors, climate geographic zone

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14110056

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