Influence of processes on dust particles’ surface on their electrical charge in ordered plasma-dust structures

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The Influence of surface processes of dust particles on the value of their charge is considered. The charge, defined by the parameters of nonperturbed plasma, significantly depends on the electron emission from the dust particle surface. Secondary electron emission, electron-ion emission, thermo- and photoelectron emission were considered. It is shown that thermoemission is directly stipulated by the heat exchange between the surface of the particle and plasma components. Conditions in which thermoemission becomes essential are established. It is shown that the influence of electrons’ emission decreases with the growth of the dust particle surface roughness.


Dusty plasma, dusty particles, coefficient of emission, surface roughness, heat exchange

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14750490

Список литературы Influence of processes on dust particles’ surface on their electrical charge in ordered plasma-dust structures

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