Information optimization of design processes for tubular concrete structures using combined rod and solid models

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The article discusses the issues related to the computer calculation of building structures made of composite materials, such as steel-reinforced concrete and tubular concrete. It highlights the complexity of the task which arises from the need to account for the combined operation of materials with different physicochemical compositions when assigning stiffness to the elements of traditional rod finite element models. The main goal of the static calculation of such structures is identified as obtaining the distribution of stresses in the sections of homogeneous elements of the composite structure. The article proposes a calculation methodology which minimizes the performance requirements of computing technology, ensuring effective achievement of the set goal. This is achieved through the combination of rod finite element models and numerical studies of individual elements. The application of the proposed approach is demonstrated by the example of the stress-strain state of a column of a high-rise building. The described approach simplifies the design process and increases its accuracy, preventing the potential depletion of computing resources when working with composite structures.


Computer modeling, finite element models, computational technology, composite materials, tubular concrete, stress-strain state

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147246052   |   DOI: 10.14529/build240411

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