Information and analytical system for detecting the movement of objects on a pedestrian crossing

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To manage pedestrian and vehicle flows at intersections, systems are implemented that use adaptive traffic light models, adjusting time intervals based on the volume of pedestrians and vehicles. These systems include video cameras that monitor road user movements, enhancing real-time traffic control. This paper introduces an information and analytical system for managing transport and pedestrian flows using the YOLO neural model, which enables object recognition. The system performs several operations: converting the original image to gray scale, applying Gaussian blurring, detecting object boundaries through the Canny filter and fuzzy logic for edge detection, and contour processing, where each identified contour is assigned a unique number. The neural network then compares detected contours to the training sample data, determining whether the object is a person or a vehicle. The paper presents experimental results for these algorithms in object recognition. Modified software and images of intersections with pedestrian crossings captured from street video cameras in Kursk were used in the experiments. The recognition accuracy rate from the experiments was 72.4%.


Information and analytical system, pedestrian crossing, object detection, fuzzy logic, canny boundary detector, contour detection, neural model

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IDR: 170207430   |   DOI: 10.18287/2223-9537-2024-14-4-531-541

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