Election information support as one of the institutions of electoral legislation Russian Federation

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Introduction. At present, a significant place in the life of a democratic state is occupied by the institution of information support of elections, which consists of two elements - information and pre-election agitation. The history of development of electoral legislation shows that for the first time the right to campaign was enshrined in Article 100 of the USSR Constitution of 1977. Since then, researchers have paid much attention to this issue, since it is at this moment that the voters' opinion about candidates and political parties, as well as about their proposed political programmers, is formed. Today the electoral process should be considered as a kind of political industry, in which the rules of organization of information and, subsequently, of election campaigning are of great importance. The analysis of theoretical sources and practical experience shows that at present there are some problematic aspects arising in the process of realization of constitutional rights of citizens in this sphere.


Elections, information support, informing, election campaigning, electoral process, election campaign

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182505

IDR: 143182505   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.14.20.012

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