Information in the modern world: criminal legal and criminological aspects, preventive role of the prosecutor’s office

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The study of issues related to the criminalization of informatization processes in the modern world is due, on the one hand, to the establishment of criminal liability for unlawful actions in this area in Chapter 28 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and, on the other hand, to a large range of problems created by all sorts of direct and indirect negative impacts of digitalization, penetrating into all aspects of social life and government. The paradox of the situation is that the more digitalization penetrates into everyday reality, the more digital algorithms make human life easier, the more opportunities fraudsters have for all kinds of manipulations. Threats to the digitalization of the modern world can be: a) external (for example, natural, man-made); b) internal (social, psychological). Of course, the highest degree of danger is represented by the entire set of threats and their sources. The number of registered crimes committed using information and telecommunication technologies (cybercrimes) is constantly increasing. Over the past five years, their number has increased by 2.3 times. Prosecutors, through the implementation of prosecutorial supervision and other functions assigned to the prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation, participate in identifying, preventing and eliminating threats to information security, solving problems arising from the requirements of the laws and the crime situation emerging in the country as a whole and in specific regions. Of particular note is the activity of the prosecutor’s office in monitoring the Internet in order to identify information disseminated in violation of current legislation and take necessary and legal measures to block it. It is concluded that specialists in the field of information security should not only work in the prosecutor’s office, but be specially trained for such work and be certified so that they are subject to all the required social privileges, as well as disciplinary liability.


Informatization, digitalization, algorithms, criminalization, security, prosecutor’s office, internet, darknet, prevention

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14131620   |   DOI: 10.47475/2311-696X-2024-42-3-89-95

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