Infrared spectroscopy of blood serum in the differential diagnosis of bone tumors

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The work is devoted to a new integrated approach to differential diagnostics of bones skeleton tumors. In it possibility of application the modern physical-chemical method IR-spectroscopy of blood serum in addition to existing tool researches for the purpose of share reduction in false manner - positive is considered and is false - negative results of diagnostics. Research objective: To improve results of differential diagnostics of benign and malignant tumors of skeleton bones by means of IR-spectroscopy of blood serum. Using the new method in policlinic for the purpose of preliminary differential diagnostics of benign and malignant tumors of bones allowed to lower share in false manner - positive results due to specificity increase from 81,3% to 84,8%; share false negative results due to sensitivity increase from 79,6% to 89,1% (р=0.006). It allowed to optimize indications for performance of open biopsy of a tumor.


Blood serum, infra-red spectroscopy, bones, tumors

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148102314

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