Infrustructure of Volgograd region as the perspective touristic destination of Russia and its problems

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Resourcing the Volgograd Region and the city of Volgograd promising as a possible tourist destination in Russia. The objects of tourist interest. The involvement of the region in the federal targeted programs carried out and planned activities within the programs. Plans for development of the region and increase the flow of tourists. Description of the existing tourism infrastructure, display objects. Actions for the creation of tourist infrastructure. Characteristics of some problems in the field.

Volgograd, Russia, infrastructure, destination, development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170184209

Список литературы Infrustructure of Volgograd region as the perspective touristic destination of Russia and its problems

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  • Карта гостя города Волгоград . URL: -(Дата обращения -29.10.2016).
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