Innovations in the sphere of controlling economic security of an enterprise

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The paper deals with the issue of dispersing corporate ownership and losing economic security when implementing innovative projects at the start of the development. The authors address the need for searching for some ways of incrementing the value of small-scale innovative businesses at the start of their development in order to raise their innovative attractiveness without losing economic security. Within the framework of the above, the authors suggest using the organizational and economic mechanism of the intermediary role the government and the regions play in the process of insuring the property inputs of head offices into the innovative subsidiaries charter capitals. The paper presents the methodology for implementing the above mechanism including the main principles and methods. The authors define the following principles and their characteristics: the principle of government and regional insurance intervention; the principle of time limited property inputs; the principle of direct policy pay out in case of insurance event; the principle of detached accumulation and limited invest­ment of insurance funds by an insurance company; the principle of returning the remaining insurance funds to the government and the regions; the principle of compensating the government and regional insurance expenses via sharing the charter capital of small-scale innovative businesses at the expan­sion stage. For every principle, its methods of implementation and their background are stated. The methods include the following: the method of insurance protection by the government and the regions ofproperty investments by head offices to the charter capital of small-scale innovative enterprises; the method of government and regional leveling for dispersing the corporate property of the companies implementing innovative projects; the method of government and regional aid for holding investment capital within investment projects; the method of optimization of government and regional insurance expenditures, and other methods. In conclusion, the authors claim the objective foundation for the sug­gested mechanism implementation to provide economic security of companies, both at the early stages of developing innovative projects, and at their later stages.


Innovation, innovative projects, innovative businesses, corporate property, insurance, economic security

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14876096

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