Innovative recycling activities industrial waste on the example of a poultry farm

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The study presents the main features of the technological process of processing waste generated as a result of production activities of the poultry farm. Poultry waste is environmentally hazardous and therefore the technology of processing has environmental, economic and social consequences. The study analyzes the market-the performance indicators of the largest poultry farms in Russia and the North-West region are taken, the advantages of using environmentally friendly technologies that allow to transfer waste into secondary material resources and subsequently obtain products with useful properties are given. The article reveals the mechanism of technology management-aimed at reducing the costs of waste disposal and disposal and focused on obtaining additional profit from secondary material resources. These approaches make it possible to increase the cost of secondary raw materials, improve production activities, and form an innovative agricultural sector in Russia.


Innovative technologies, poultry farm, economic efficiency, biocoal, process management

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IDR: 148318834

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