Innovative solutions in transformer theory

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The article is devoted to the discussion of the traditional theory of transformers and innovations in this field. The traditional theory of transformers, developed in the last century, is beginning to demonstrate its limitations in modern requirements for energy efficiency, reliability and economic efficiency. The article discusses new materials and technologies such as amorphous steel and superconducting materials that can improve the performance of transformers. In addition, the use of specialized computer modeling software is discussed, which helps to accelerate the development of new designs and reduce the cost of manufacturing and testing prototypes. In this article, we consider the relevance of innovations in transformer theories and their significant impact on the future of energy.


Energy efficiency, electronic systems, transformers, converters, artificial intelligence

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170207192   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-2-93-96

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