Технические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук
!["Языковая личность" в изучении иностранного языка "Языковая личность" в изучении иностранного языка](/file/thumb/170184253/jazykovaja-lichnost-v-izuchenii-inostrannogo-jazyka.png)
"Языковая личность" в изучении иностранного языка
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В данной статье автором рассматриваются факторы формирования вторичной языковой личности. Также в статье рассматриваются разные подходы в обучении иностранному языку.
![172 Тбит/с передача в диапазоне C + L на 2040 км по трехжильному оптоволокну с сильной связью 172 Тбит/с передача в диапазоне C + L на 2040 км по трехжильному оптоволокну с сильной связью](/file/thumb/170190972/172-tbits-peredacha-v-diapazone-c-l-na-2040-km-po-trehzhilnomu-optovoloknu-s.png)
172 Тбит/с передача в диапазоне C + L на 2040 км по трехжильному оптоволокну с сильной связью
Статья научная
Продемонстрирована передача по многожильному волокну со связанными сердцевинами по 359 каналам C- и L-диапазона с низкой пространственной модовой дисперсией. Достигнута чистая скорость передачи данных 172 Тбит/с на расстоянии 2040 км, что удваивает рекордное произведение скорости передачи данных на расстояние для волокон SDM со стандартным диаметром оболочки.
![3D моделирование поэтапного возведения ограждающей дамбы накопителя жидких горнопромышленных отходов 3D моделирование поэтапного возведения ограждающей дамбы накопителя жидких горнопромышленных отходов](/file/thumb/170185794/3d-modelirovanie-pojetapnogo-vozvedenija-ograzhdajushhej-damby-nakopitelja.png)
3D моделирование поэтапного возведения ограждающей дамбы накопителя жидких горнопромышленных отходов
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Изложены результаты компьютерного многовариантного параметрического 3D моделирования поэтапного возведения ограждающей дамбы накопителя жидких горнопромышленных отходов. По результатам расчетов получены картины (цветовые палитры), отражающие изменения гидрогеомеханического состояния накопителя отходов. Выполнен комплексный анализ результатов моделирования, направленный на идентификацию общих зависимостей и тенденций, обусловленных поэтапным наращиванием дамбы. Выявлены общие закономерности изменения общих, вертикальных и горизонтальных перемещений грунтов при наращивании ограждающей дамбы, для которых определены математические выражения и графические тренды.
![Advanced framework module structures for the IRIS development platform Advanced framework module structures for the IRIS development platform](/file/thumb/170194759/advanced-framework-module-structures-for-the-iris-development-platform.png)
Advanced framework module structures for the IRIS development platform
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The IRIS Development Platform delivers compilation, cross-project linkage and data fetch services, while allowing hot-swaps for performance comparison of the modules under development. While previous work was dedicated to the framework itself [1], the current paper details the structure of the AFM modules assembled under IRIS. The development arised from the need for advanced performance modules, that are standardised and independent of frameworks conceptually C++98 tributary. It provides an example based guide to scientists towards direct implementation of code in separate compilation model of templated C++11 technology (with a vision for conforming to ConceptsTS, allowing relatively facile upgrade to C++20).
![Artificial intelligence and its adoption Artificial intelligence and its adoption](/file/thumb/170206368/artificial-intelligence-and-its-adoption.png)
Artificial intelligence and its adoption
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a concept from science fiction; it is a transformative technology that is revolutionizing industries one algorithm at a time. Despite its vast potential, the widespread adoption of AI remains hindered by skepticism and a lack of comprehensive understanding among businesses. This article explores the various impacts of AI across different sectors and addresses the key barriers to its adoption.
![BIM-моделирование как неотъемлемая часть современного строительства BIM-моделирование как неотъемлемая часть современного строительства](/file/thumb/170193549/bim-modelirovanie-kak-neotemlemaja-chast-sovremennogo-stroitelstva.png)
BIM-моделирование как неотъемлемая часть современного строительства
Статья научная
Актуальность темы внедрения BIM-технологий в строительной отрасли в России на сегодняшний день высока. Внедрение BIM-технологий позволяет решать множество актуальных проблем в сфере проектирования и строительства и способствует продвижению данной отрасли на новый уровень. В статье рассмотрены положительные и отрицательные аспекты введения BIM-технологий в процесс моделирования, проанализированы этапы появления BIM-проектирования в России и статистика развития BIM-технологий в других странах.
![Benefits and challenges encountered in utilization building information modelling in construction projects Benefits and challenges encountered in utilization building information modelling in construction projects](/file/thumb/170193816/benefits-and-challenges-encountered-in-utilization-building-information-modelling.png)
Статья научная
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has become a well-known established extensive collaborative process and an important area of development in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) and has expanded beyond all disciplines. The use of BIM in construction projects can arguably improve the quality of information needed to make important design decisions to assess the impact of a building on the environment. The analysis, design and infrastructure of buildings are formulated with BIM-based designs. The BIM method fits well with delivery systems for integrated projects. This analysis aims to show the relevance of the roles of BIM and the project manager in construction projects. It insists on the importance of proper knowledge and experience of project managers to achieve success with BIM. The paper discusses the implementation of BIM, static design, and the inherent challenges of trying to estimate benefits in a purely quantitative way. Through the application of BIM technology to dynamic enquiries and the statistical study of construction schedules, design, resources, and costs, these three implementations are considered proven, as BIM can facilitate the understanding of project implementation and progress.
![Big data: проблемы и технологии Big data: проблемы и технологии](/file/thumb/170186243/big-dataproblemy-i-tehnologii.png)
Big data: проблемы и технологии
Статья научная
В статье рассматривается понятие больших данных, история Big Data, описываются источники больших данных, дается понятие новым технологиям анализа больших данных, такие как: искусственный интеллект и Deep Learning, облачные хранилища, Блокчейн-технологии, Dark Data и программное обеспечение Statistica. В статье затрагиваются задачи и функции больших объемов данных, также раскрываются проблемы, которые возникают при работе с большими данными.
![C919: китайский амбициозный шаг к авиационной независимости C919: китайский амбициозный шаг к авиационной независимости](/file/thumb/170199607/c919kitajskij-ambicioznyj-shag-k-aviacionnoj-nezavisimosti.png)
C919: китайский амбициозный шаг к авиационной независимости
Статья научная
В данной статье рассматривается важный проект разработки коммерческого реактивного лайнера C919 в Китае. В статье анализируются основные характеристики и конструктивные особенности самолета, применяемые технологии и инновации, а также проводится сравнение с конкурентами, такими как Boeing и Airbus, по техническим параметрам. Особое внимание уделяется роли государства и инвестиций в проект C919, а также его влиянию на экономику Китая. Автор также оценивает достижения и вызовы, с которыми сталкивается проект C919, а также обсуждает его перспективы и возможные направления развития. Исследование подчеркивает значимость данного проекта для Китая в достижении авиационной независимости и уменьшении зависимости от зарубежных производителей.
![Creation of software for research of Rossler attractor Creation of software for research of Rossler attractor](/file/thumb/170188849/creation-of-software-for-research-of-rossler-attractor.png)
Creation of software for research of Rossler attractor
Статья научная
The work examines the basic concepts of the theory of nonlinear dynamic systems, under certain conditions exhibiting the properties of both perseverance and chaoticism. In particular, the characteristics of the Rössler attractor are given. Described the functions and special libraries used in the Python program, designed to visualize and study the parameters of the Rössler system that change over time. Examples of calculations performed with the help of the program have been analyzed. The scope of application of the developed program is proposed.
![Cyber attacks and their impact on the digital economy Cyber attacks and their impact on the digital economy](/file/thumb/170203464/cyber-attacks-and-their-impact-on-the-digital-economy.png)
Cyber attacks and their impact on the digital economy
Статья научная
In a world where the digital economy is becoming a critical part of the global infrastructure, cyber attacks pose a serious threat to computer systems, networks and equipment. This article provides an in-depth overview of different types of cyberattacks, including DDoS attacks, phishing, and SQL injection, and describes their methods and potential consequences. Particular attention is paid to various sectors vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as the financial sector, education, e-commerce and the gaming industry. It also emphasizes the importance of taking precautions and preventive measures at the individual and organizational levels. It is recommended to use strong passwords, implement multi-factor authentication, regularly update software, and increase user awareness of cybersecurity. The article provides useful information on cybersecurity and focuses on preventing and protecting against cyber attacks in the digital world.
![Data mining на примере исследования целевой аудитории конечного продукта предприятия с помощью аналитического инструментария сервиса TEYCA Data mining на примере исследования целевой аудитории конечного продукта предприятия с помощью аналитического инструментария сервиса TEYCA](/file/thumb/170204951/data-mining-na-primere-issledovanija-celevoj-auditorii-konechnogo-produkta.png)
Статья научная
В статье рассматривается описание возможностей встроенного аналитического инструментария популярного сервиса электронной системы лояльности предприятия - TEYCA. Автор приводит возможности и преимущества сервиса, рассмотрены некоторые подходы к аналитике данных, наглядно продемонстрирован процесс взаимодействия предприятия с клиентом. В заключении формируются выводы для дальнейших решений руководителей компании.
![Influence of electrostatic field on low-temperature plasma Influence of electrostatic field on low-temperature plasma](/file/thumb/170184154/influence-of-electrostatic-field-on-low-temperature-plasma.png)
Influence of electrostatic field on low-temperature plasma
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The article is devoted to analyzing of the theoretical and practical study of the nature of the influence of electrostatic field in low-temperature plasma as a source of electrostatic field acts converter, followed by the application of this phenomenon in everyday life, using a more powerful device Tesla generator. Conducted theoretical calculations, which give an answer to the question: Is it possible to put out the fire using the electrostatic field? The description of technology of application of this phenomenon in the real world.
![Method to improve the energy efficiency of household refrigerating appliance Method to improve the energy efficiency of household refrigerating appliance](/file/thumb/170184200/method-to-improve-the-energy-efficiency-of-household-refrigerating-appliance.png)
Method to improve the energy efficiency of household refrigerating appliance
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The article describes a method of increasing domestic refrigerator energy efficiency due to the intensification process of removing heat process out of a refrigerator unit. The modern fans were proposed to cool a refrigerator surfaces and a condensing unit regarding to the ambient temperature, a condenser and an evaporator temperatures; control cooling method of main sealed subsystems (compressor and condenser) as the main thermal loads.
![Performance analysis of Flutter applications vs. native iOS and Android Apps Performance analysis of Flutter applications vs. native iOS and Android Apps](/file/thumb/170206163/performance-analysis-of-flutter-applications-vs-native-ios-and-android-apps.png)
Performance analysis of Flutter applications vs. native iOS and Android Apps
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This article analyzes the features of mobile application development using Flutter and native programming languages for iOS and Android platforms. Special attention is given to performance, usability, and development efficiency. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are considered. A comparative analysis of the performance of applications created with Flutter versus native applications is conducted. Aspects such as startup speed, interface responsiveness, memory consumption, and energy efficiency are examined. The integration of Flutter with existing native libraries and components, as well as the potential for cross-platform development, is also discussed. The article concludes with insights on which approach is best suited for specific tasks and projects, considering performance requirements, usability, and development efficiency.
![Possibilities of immune intelligent systems application for information system on railway Possibilities of immune intelligent systems application for information system on railway](/file/thumb/170202005/possibilities-of-immune-intelligent-systems-application-for-information-system-on.png)
Possibilities of immune intelligent systems application for information system on railway
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The paper considers the concept of "intelligent immune algorithms" in the context of rail transport data processing. The article examines the data flow involved in the processing of transit railcars with processing at the marshalling yard. Typical business processes are described. Errors encountered when interpreting the data by typical business processes are classified. The principles of immune intelligent systems functioning are described. The possibility of using such systems for data flow scanning in the ES of JSC "Russian Railways" was considered. When writing the work, such methods as collection and analysis of information, data processing were used. The main conclusion of the work is that the intelligent immune systems are a good way for the development of the infrastructure of the railway transport in the future. The results of scientific research presumably can be used in JSC "Russian Railways" for the design of new information systems.
![Status of the time projection chamber for the MPD/NICA project Status of the time projection chamber for the MPD/NICA project](/file/thumb/170183983/status-of-the-time-projection-chamber-for-the-mpdnica-project.png)
Status of the time projection chamber for the MPD/NICA project
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The Time-Projection Chamber (TPC) is the main detector for tracking and identification of charged particles in the Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) at new accelerator complex the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility (NICA) in Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna city, Moscow region. The status of the TPC construction is presented.
![Steel and basalt fiber comparison in the flexural strength of conventional concrete Steel and basalt fiber comparison in the flexural strength of conventional concrete](/file/thumb/170188422/steel-and-basalt-fiber-comparison-in-the-flexural-strength-of-conventional.png)
Steel and basalt fiber comparison in the flexural strength of conventional concrete
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Plain conventional concrete structural elements are known for their brittleness. This brittleness causes the weakness and failure suffered by these elements. The plain concrete normally contains numerous micro cracksand under sustained loading conditions, it fails in tension. To solve these problems, this paper investigated the effect of dispersed chopped steel and basalt fiber in conventional concrete rectangular prisms. The main objective of this research paper was to determine the flexural strength of basalt fiber and steel fiber reinforced concrete specimens for different fiber dosages and compare the flexural strengths of the two types of fiber reinforced concrete with those of control (plain) concrete. The fiber dosages chosen for the study were 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% of total volume of concrete. Four sets of concrete mixtures were used of which each set produced 9 rectangular prisms which were tested for flexure on day 7, day 14 and day 28 per 3 rectangular prisms. The experimental results showed that addition of chopped fiber increased the flexural strength of the concrete prism. 1.5% fiber gave the best flexural strength in both basalt fiber reinforced concrete and steel fiber reinforced concrete. Basalt fiber reinforced concrete showed more plasticity with lesser cracks than steel fiber reinforced concrete.
![Study of pumping stations in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Study of pumping stations in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic](/file/thumb/170203838/study-of-pumping-stations-in-nakhchivan-autonomous-republic.png)
Study of pumping stations in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
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Reconstruction of reclamation and irrigation systems, construction of modern hydrotechnical facilities are kept in mind in the autonomous republic. Improving soil water supply contributes to high productivity in agriculture and food security, the demand is met by local production. In accordance with the Action Plan on increasing the fertility of agricultural lands in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, works in this area are being continued, new pumping stations are being built, and land plots are being cultivated.