Innovative technical solutions developed under the leadership of M. F. Reshetnev in the creation of the first Siberian launcher “Cosmos-3M”

Автор: Nazarov V.P., Golovenkin E.N., Piunov V.Yu.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Informatics, computer technology and management

Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.25, 2024 года.

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Academician Mikhail Fedorovich Reshetnev is one of the outstanding scientists, designers and production organizers who stood at the origins of the development of rocket and space technology in our country and made a significant contribution to domestic and world cosmonautics. 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of his birth and the 60th anniversary of the first launch of the Kosmos-3 launch vehicle (LV), created under his leadership in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The article discusses the main stages of design, development work, flight design tests and the launch of mass production of the rocket. It is noted that the creation of the PH was carried out mainly at the production base of the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant (Krasmash). The most important events related to the organization of the OKB-1 branch, which was then transformed into an independent OKB, are described in chronological order. The role of M. F. Reshetnev’s personality is shown. Reshetnev in solving complex scientific, technical, organizational and production problems of mastering new technology in the Siberian region, remote from the rocket, space and scientific centers of the country. Information is provided on innovative technical solutions developed under the guidance of M. F. Reshetnev during the creation of the Kosmos-3 launch vehicle and its subsequent modification. It is noted that M. F. Reshetnev in his scientific and technical activities constantly received the support of S. P. Korolev and M. K. Yangel, successfully cooperated with the largest design organizations headed by V. P. Glushko, A. M. Isaev, V. G. Sergeev and other well-known leaders and specialists of the rocket and space industry.


Rocket and space technology, launch vehicles, spacecraft

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329743   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-3-282-294

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