Foreign students in Russia: features of motivation and adaptation

Автор: Vershinina Inna А., Kurbanov Artemiy R., Panich Natalia A.

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Факторы эффективности рекрутинга

Статья в выпуске: 6, 2016 года.

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Research paper. The aim of the article is to identify and study key factors defining peculiarities of foreign students' study in the Russian Federation. The article allows for optimizing the work of university administration with modern foreign students community considering peculiarities of their motivation and sociocultural context of educational environment. The reason behind writing the article is the desire to unify and systematize the practical experience of university management working in the field of international relations and attracting foreign students. The research includes theoretical and practical components. Theoretical component is built on the analysis of educational institutions development history in relation with foreign students in USSR and modern Russia using historical and comparative methods. Empirical part of the research is a set of expert interviews with representatives of higher educational institutions (including teaching staff and administrative staff dealing with international relations) and representatives of the Federal Migration Agency of Russia, as well as a series of interviews with foreign students at Moscow universities. Those interviews allowed for identifying the main targets of foreign students, problems which are the most relevant in terms of adaptation and study. Authors also created a typology of foreign students from Moscow universities. The conducted research allowed for making the following conclusions: individual goals of foreign students coming top Russia are not limited by getting higher education and diplomas, and this should be considered when organizing the work with that group of students; educational and life trajectories of students from technical specializations and humanities differ significantly (the former are more oriented towards education, particularly when coming as part of a target group, whereas the latter wish to stay in Russia and learn to live there). The main problems faced by foreign students are related to communication difficulties in a new cultural and language environment. Another specific feature is that attracting foreign students has gained a political aspect, as government sees education for foreign students as the way to solve longterm strategic tasks in a complex international environment. The article is of interest for those administrative staff members who deal with interaction with foreign students and organization of their educational activities as well as for representatives of rector's office defining priorities in university international relations, Ministry of education and other governmental officials dealing with the topics analyzed in the article. This research is limited by the need for a more differentiated analysis of foreign students' motivation and adaptation degree considering peculiarities of specializations chosen by them and their linguistic and cultural characteristics. The same limitation can form the foundation of a series of following research allowing for a more in-depth study of foreign students phenomenon in modern Russia.


Education, academic mobility, intercultural communication, migration, adaptation

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IDR: 142227180

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