«Outlanders», «heterodox», «aliens» in the Asian part of Russia
Автор: Aleksandr P. Yarkov
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Статья в выпуске: 1, 2021 года.
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The article is d evoted to the transformation of the concepts “outlanders” outlanders”, “ heterodox”, “ and their meaning in the Asian part of Russia in the space o f several centuries. The situation differs from the Chinese model of relation to non Han people. Based on the analysis of publications, we have identified the differences between the Russian official terminology and the folk etymology associated with the “ other”. L ittle by little the “other” was no longer “alien”. This happened due to the change s in the structure of the state, which was interested in a stable situation in the border areas. Therefore, despite the aspirations of the missionaries Russificati on and Christianization were limited there. It is also noted that gaining the experience of living together is an important factor in the «dialogue of cultures » that is in demand in the 21st century.
“ outlanders”, “ heterodox”, “ aliens”, ectoethno nyms and enoethnonyms , the Asian part of Russia, historical aspects of the dialogue of cultures
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148318107
IDR: 148318107 | DOI: 10.18101/2306-630X-2021-1-13-27