Local ombudsman institution in Serbia and Spain with a special overview of the procedure for the local ombudsman election

Автор: Grujić Aleksandar

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Review paper

Статья в выпуске: 7-9 vol.30, 2013 года.

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Human freedoms and rights are one of the most significant creations of a man. Ombudsman institution occurs in the overall context of human freedoms and rights, with the aim of protecting and enabling people to realize their rights. The local ombudsman institution has existed in Spain for a long time, whereas in Serbia, it is a 'new' institution. Local ombudsman election is one of the elements affecting its legal position and hence its independence and autonomy. Provisions governing the conditions for the local ombudsman election, the election procedure, its mandate and the possibility of re-election, incompatibility with the function of the local ombudsman and guarantees of independence and autonomy, are questions that give a true picture of the situation of the institution. It can be concluded that legal systems deal with these questions in a very similar way. However, there are some specific features of each system. Furthermore, the conclusion is that the local ombudsman institution is necessary for the local self-government and represents an institution that is beneficial to both citizens and administrative authorities.


Human freedoms, Ombudsman, Local ombudsman, elections, citizens

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170202542

IDR: 170202542

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