Review paper. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa

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“Silence of the administration” represents the tool for the regular legal protection of the parties within the administrative procedure, whether the subject is the procedure being initiated by the parties who have a personal interest or due to the ex officio procedure. In both cases, either due to a long lasting procedure or to an untimely decision which is being rendered in relation to the terms envisaged by law from the side of the administration, significant damage is being endured. Moreover, in both cases, the inactivity of the administrative authorities has numerous aftereffects. The Real Estate Registry and Cable Duct Cadaster represent a Public Book which has data on immovable properties and rights regarding the very same necessary for rendering numerous other rights before the other state authorities and judiciary. Data referring to the Real Estate Registry and Cable Duct Cadaster represent the initial base while rendering the rights before the business banks and within the economic field, in general. Thus, cadaster data should be updated regularly, which presupposes both active and timely registration of documents in the Cadaster, whether based on the submitted documents for the purpose of the registration within the Cadaster, the very same documents to be adopted or a negative administrative act to be rendered. However, in practice, one can often encounter that this legal protection instrument of the parties cannot be applied, bearing in mind that non-acting in the administrative procedure which is being held before the Real Estate Registry and Cable Duct Cadaster has not always been caused by a non-compliance with the terms by the side of this administrative authority. Namely, the administrative procedure being held before the Real Estate Registry has its specific characteristics due to which this very Institute of the Administrative Law deserves a greater attention. The existence of the priority norm, i.e. the obligation of acting upon the requests of the order of their reception in the Real Estate Registry and Cable duct Cadaster, leads to the other point of view regarding the acting of the administrative authorities and decision rendering based either on the requests of the parties or based on ex officio within the terms envisaged by the Law.

A conclusion of contracts for the international sale of goods
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The international exchange of goods is done through a contract on the international sale of goods. A conclusion of a contract on the international sale of goods is based primarily on the autonomy of the will of the parties, unless that autonomy of will is limited by the compulsory regulations of the states. All sources of law cited in the paper, such as international conventions, autonomous sources of law and even customs and business ethics, can be changed by the disposition of the will, because they are of a dispositive character. The contracting parties most often agree on the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the so-called Vienna Conventions, except in cases where there are general conditions and standard contracts. The Vienna Convention, which is a compromise of continental, Roman and Anglo-Saxon law, is most often contracted. The offer and its acceptance are necessary for the conclusion of the contract, except for standard and formal contracts. The offer is a final act, and the acceptance of the offer is a statement of the agreement with the offer. The offer must have essential elements of the contract, but it can also have irrelevant elements. By concluding a contract with the application of INCOTERMS clauses, most irrelevant elements of the contract are regulated.

A constitutional disposition of cultural male circumcision as a heritage right
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South Africa’s constitutional framework entrenches a variety of legislative imperatives that protects culture as a right. Sections 30 and 31 of the Constitution, 1996 were specifically enshrined to resonate with the spirit and purport of the need to protect cultural rights. Some statutory enactments such as Children’s Act 38 of 2005 and Limpopo Initiation Schools Act 6 of 2016 are also highly respectful of cultural rights thereby enabling cultural families and communities to subject their children to practice any such cultural activities of their choice, but to the extent that it is practicable. It is argued that while South Africa’s post-1994 constitutional apparatus are fundamentally rights-based orientated and thus require the state and every legal and juristic persons to be bearers of such a responsibility of protecting human rights, the state is correspondingly obligated to protect cultural rights as a constitutional entitlement in order for citizens to enjoy heritage as a right, either as a group or individuals with cultural orientation. Constitutionally speaking, the state is prohibited from engaging in acts that unjustly interferes with free enjoyment of heritage as a right. The article adopted a traditional legal doctrinal methodological approach, which is best suited for interpreting legislative instruments to capture a variety of plausible meanings and implications to a real life legal situation.

A historical – legal review of Hammurabi’s code
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Hammurabi’s code shows the social relations of that time, although most of these relations were regulated by the Law of Contract. The Code covers a variety of legal matters: it regulates very complex property, family, obligatory and criminal-legal relations including the judiciary provisions. The Code expresses the class character of the society, because it primarily protects the interests of the ruling class and punishes the members of the ruling and subordinate classes differently for the same crimes. The Code was carved in a stone pillar and it was found by M. Morgan in 1901. This masterpiece of a human’s thought, almost four millennia old, was engraved in the stone of Babylon (Hammurabi) for the temple of Sippar (now the ruins of Abu Dhabi near Baghdad). An undamaged inscription of the Code is kept in the British Museum.

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This paper examines a legal basis for the state liability for damages for wrongful deprivation of liberty and wrongful conviction. Starting from the general rules of the civil law regarding the state responsibility for damages, the author points to the special character of the rules concerning the state responsibility for damages for wrongful deprivation of liberty and wrongful conviction. While doing it, the author specifically indicates the different theoretical explanations of the state obligations in this respect, as well as the specific legal nature of the institute of the compensation for wrongful deprivation of liberty and wrongful conviction.

A legal framework of the right to work for men and women
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The right to work does not mean that any woman or man has the right to employment, but it refers to everyone’s opportunity to provide a living for him/herself by freely chosen and accepted work. For this reason, and by its nature, it is positioned between a programme principle, a constitutional legislative decree and subjective law based on the principles concerning the other minority and human rights. These principles reflect a legislative attitude towards the significance of the right to work and human and minority rights in general. Together with general principles, they make up a legal framework in which they are realized and protected.

A legal status of women in prostituton in Serbia through the history
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The approach to the legal regulation of prostitution chosen by the state directly reflects the legal position of women in prostitution. Different approaches in a legal regulation of prostitution had changed in shorter or longer periods of time until the end of the Second World War. After the Second World War, there was introduced the prohibitive approach undergone minor changes throughout the time, but remained unchanged from the perspective of a legal status of women in prostitution. THIS paper analyzes a legal position of women in prostitution in the period from the second half of the 19th century until today. The provisions of legal regulations through which the prostitution was regulated in the previously mentioned period in Serbia, will be analyzed by the normative method. The main goal of this research is to present the history of a legal status of women in prostitution in Serbia. THE results of the research show that, throughout the history, the most present reglementation and prohibitionist approaches have had a negative impact on the legal position of women in prostitution in Serbia. So, it is necessary an abolitionist approach to be introduced in order to improve their overall position.

A police service dog as a means of coercion
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The use of animals in the execution of complex tasks by police officers and military units does not represent any novelty in the operational and legal sense. But, this topic has not been considered enough in professional and scientific circles, for which there should be found some space, especially if we take into account certain “news” in the legislative sense occurred at the international level. The basic hypothesis of this paper refers to the consideration of the issue of the use of a police service dog. Within the previously mentioned discussion, the focus of the work is grouped into two parts, namely the first part relates to the legislative provision of the use of police service dogs in terms of training and use, while the second one refers to their tactical application when performing complex tasks. In particular, it is considered the issue of legislative news and initiatives appeared in the American legislative system. Bearing in mind the increasingly dominant attitude of the world population on the topic of animal protection, there is to be expected that a similar topic will soon be raised in our country too. In this research, in addition to analysis, deduction and comparative scientific methods, the specialization method was also used. At the end of this research, in the concluding remarks, there was presented a review of the most significant parts of the work as well as specific conclusions arising from this overall research. Of course, the authors’ personal views were also included.

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Autorski tekst sadrži prikaz monografije Aleksandra Matkovića Occultism, Crime and Law, Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre and Faculty of European Legal and Political Studies, Novi Sad, 2021 (549 pages)

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U radu je tretiran problem odgovornosti za actiones liberae in causa. Naime, za postojanje instituta actiones liberae in causa potrebno je da postoje sledeći uslovi: (1) da je učinilac doveo sebe u stanje privremene neuračunljivosti, (2) da je učinilac upotrebom alkohola, droga ili na neki drugi način doveo sebe u stanje privremene neuračunljivosti, odnosno u nemogućnost rasuđivanja i odlučivanja, (3) da je učinilac krivično delo izvršio u stanju u kome nije posedovao mogućnost rasuđivanja i odlučivanja, (4) da postoji uzročni odnos između radnje kojom se učinilac doveo u stanje privremene neuračunljivosti i posledice koju je prouzrokovao. S obzirom da institut actiones liberae in causa predstavlja izuzetak koji se znatno razlikuje od opštih pravila o krivičnoj odgovornosti, isti može postojati samo ako su ispunjeni svi navedeni uslovi. Institut actiones liberae in causa nosi epitet večite aktuelnosti u oblasti krivičnog prava, iz razloga što se bazira ne samo na naučnim dostignućima krivičnog prava, već i medicine, psihijatrije, psihologije, farmacije, toksikologije, a naročito alkohologije. Budući da stoji neprekidan razvoj ovih nauka, postavlja se pitanje da li se uopšte može dati konačno rešenje za institut actiones liberae in causa. Poslednja novina u odnosu na ovaj institut uneta je najnovijim Zakonikom o krivičnom postupku, a odnosi se na to da se krivica kod skrivljene neuračunljivosti utvrđuje prema vremenu neposredno pre dovođenja u takvo stanje. Institut actiones liberae in causa se ne primenjuje u slučaju bitno smanjene uračunljivosti, niti se učinilac zbog toga može blaže kazniti. Nema instituta actiones liberae in causa ni ako je učinilac sebe doveo u stanje neuračunljivosti pod dejstvom prinude, zablude ili usled nastupanja patološkog pijanstva. Postoje tri vrste actiones liberae in causa: namerna, umišljajna i nehatna. Naše zakonodavstvo ne poznaje namernu, već samo umišljajnu i nehatnu. Za delo izvršeno u stanju umišljajne skrivljene neuračunljivostu kažnjava se uvek, a za nehatnu kad zakon izričito predviđa i to opštim propisima o odgovornosti.

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Deliberate unaccountability (insanity) is an institute known in legal theory as Actiones liberae in causa. Its significance lies it is an exception to the general rules for determining accountability and guilt. The exception is to regulate the guilt of persons who arbitrarily bring themselves into a state of temporary mental disorder and commit a crime in such a state. The central theme of the paper is the definition and legal regulation of actiones liberae in causa in Serbian criminal law, its demarcation from non-accounting and substantially reduced accounting as well as its application in practice.

Agencification of public administration in the transition process
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The democratization of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has also included the reform of inefficient public administration. At the same time, these reforms have been accompanied by the aspiration for a membership in the European Union. The administration has been transformed according to a number of principles that make up the framework of the European administrative area. Along with these processes, there were established public agencies, a body taken over from the developed countries, and created during the reform of the New Public Management. The countries in transition have gone through an extensive and rapid process of agency. Due to a high level of autonomy after the formation of agencies, i.e., after certain tasks have been transferred to their competence, it is difficult to effectively control their work. The public interest is threatened by the non –transparency of these bodies. Their existence also affects the basic principles of the European administrative space and turns the reform against itself. It is certain that the mass establishment of a new body in the system of public administration brings uncertainty in terms of effects. It has turned out that foreign experts, without knowledge of the administrative tradition of the socialist countries, as well as domestic politicians who wanted accelerated reform, also contributed to that.

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U radu je ukratko izložen problem koja lica imaju aktivnu, a koja pasivnu legitimaciju u sudskom postupku kada je trećem oštećenom licu prouzrokovana šteta od strane dva i više motornih vozila. Danas postoji bezbroj primera saobraćajnih nezgoda u kojim učestvuju dva ili više motornih vozila. U takvim saobraćajnim nezgodama prouzrokuje se nematerijalna i materijalna šteta trećim licima, pa se postavlja pitanje: koja lica imaju pravo na naknadu nematerijalne i materijalne štete i od koga imaju pravo da traže naknadu štete. Oštećena lica najčešće podnose tužbu protiv osiguravajuće organizacije i odgovornog lica. U toku sudskog postupka često tužilac podnosi podneske kojim vrši objektivno i subjektivno preinačenje tužbe. U ovom radu smo ukazali na različite stavove sudske prakse povodom objektivnog i subjektivnog preinačenja tužbe. Takođe smo u radu dali odgovor na pitanje: da li su tuženi osiguravajuća organizacija i odgovorno lice jedinstveni suparničari ili se radi o običnim suparničarima? U radu smo predložili izmenu člana 201 Zakona o obligacionim odnosima i člana 201 Zakona o parničnom postupku. Na ovaj način bismo izbegli donošenje različitih presuda po istom pitanju.

Aktivna legitimacija za raskid ugovora o doživotnom izdržavanju
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Autor razmatra raskid ugovora o doživotnom izdržavanju, prvenstveno s aspekta lica aktivno legitimisanih za traženje raskida. Predmet rada je ključno pitanje iz domena raskida ovog najznačajnijeg ugovora u našem naslednom pravu, a obrađen je kroz prava tri lica da traže raskid: ugovarača, trećeg lica u čiju je korist ugovoreno izdržavanje, kao i naslednika ugovarača. Na početku je ukazano na osnovne razloge raskida predmetnog ugovora, a rad je u potpunosti potkrepljen stavovima sudske prakse i teorije o svim spornim pitanjima.

Alternativni oblici okončanja krivičnog postupka u pravu Libije
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Alternativni oblici okončanja krivičnog postupka predstavljaju pravni novum u većem broju savremenih krivičnih zakonodavstava u svetu. U tom smislu Libija se pridružila zemljama koje su ozakonile alternativni način okončanja krivičnog postupka. Njime se postižu višestruki pravni efekti na području poštovanja osnovnih krivično-procesnih načela poput: ekonomičnosti, efikasnosti, pravednosti i dr. Iako se u delu krivične teorije osporava ovakav način okončanja krivičnog postupka preovladalo je mišljenje po kome se ostvarenjem prethodno navedenih načela doprinosi pravovremenom rešenju određene krivične stvari. Preduslov za ovako okončanje krivičnog postupka je donošenje odluke o nepreduzimanju krivičnog gonjenja od strane javnog tužioca kako bi se alternativno (putem nagodbe) rešio konkretni krivični slučaj. Polazeći od navedenog, autor rada se opredelio da odluku o nepreduzimanju krivičnog gonjenja od strane javnog tužioca obradi sa teorijskog stanovišta imputirajući u određenim segmentima sopstvena iskustva radeći kao javni tužilac u Libiji. U tom smislu, ovaj rad predstavlja sintezu teorije i prakse u svetlu postojećih rešenja u libijskom krivičnom zakonodavstvu.

Amended legislation of payment service in Republic of Serbia
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This paper examines the payment service regulation in Republic of Serbia. The aim of the paper is to underline the importance of the implemented legislative reform and the innovations which allow the domestic business entities and payment service users to keep abreast with current economic developments under more favourable conditions and higher protection. The author defines the relevant notions and presents the innovations related to the payment service legislation in order to prove the fact that it is fully harmonized with the EU directives. In the paper there are also given certain recommendations which might help improve the implementation of the new regulations, primarily in the field of payment service customers protection. The transparency principle, which is the fundamental principle of these amendments, makes it possible to further develop this law in practice (e.g. the transparency of fees customers are charged for payment accounts). We expect more dynamic development of payment service in the future, which includes informing customers in a better manner and protecting them more efficiently.

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U savremenom društvu, pojedinac svakodnevno kupuje odgovarajuću robu i usluge kako bi njihovom potrošnjom i upotrebom postigao određeni nivo zadovoljstva. Međutim, zadovoljstvo ne mora uvek i biti logična posledica izvršene nabavke, bilo zbog naknadno utvrđenog lošeg kvaliteta proizvoda, manje količine sadržaja od navedene, obmanjujuće reklame i tome slično. Da bi se prevazišli problemi ove vrste, neophodno je posebnu pažnju posvetiti konceptu zaštite potrošača, pravima i obavezama potrošača kao i zakonskom okviru. Kako bi pojedinac mogao doneti izbor, usled sveprisutnog rizika, trebao bi imati na raspolaganju potpunu, pravovremenu i nedvosmislenu informaciju o karakteristikama dobra za koje je zainteresovan. U radu je izvršena analiza primera organizovane neodgovornosti prema potrošaču kojem su posledično negirana njegova prava. Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja udela 'zdravih' tvrdnji na domaćem tržištu prehrambenih proizvoda, kao oblik manipulacije pravima potrošača, jasno su prezentovani preko odgovarajućih grafičkih prikaza. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od četiri supermarketa u Novom Sadu, među prehrambenim proizvodima koji spadaju u najzastupljenije namirnice u svakodnevnoj ishrani.

Apparent joinder of criminal offenses in the Criminal law of Serbia
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The right to a healthy environment is an absolute priority of the modern society. A specific economic instrument aimed at protecting the environment at a global level is the compensation for environmental pollution, based on a principle of environmental protection called “pollutant pays”. The essence of a civil liability for environmental damage is that potential pollutants should adjust their activities to the requirement of causing minimal changes in the environment and reducing the risk of damage to a minimum. In addition to the significance and characteristics of the “pollutant pays” principle, the paper presents the provisions of the Act on Environmental Protection. There is also included an analysis of the provisions of the Convention on civil liability for damage caused by environmental hazards, and the provisions of the Environmental Liability Directive related to the protection and elimination of environmental damage.

Arbitražno rešavanje privrednih sporova u svetlu model - zakona UNCITRAL-a
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U ovom radu autor ukazuje na značaj kvalitetnog arbitražnog suđenja, posebno kod privrednih sporova. Autor ukazuje na značaj i kvalitet rešenja Model - zakona UNCITRAL-a kako u pogledu imenovanja arbitara, njihovih karakteristika, ovlašćenja i ograničenja u arbitriranju, tako i samog arbitražnog postupka, te zaključuje i predlaže u kom pravcu bi bilo nužno izvršiti harmonizaciju domaćeg zakonodavstva, imajući u vidu aktuelne svetske standarde postavljene u oblasti arbitražnog prava. Autorov stav prema izmenama i dopunama Model - zakona je afirmativan, te zaključuje da je nužno nastaviti sa harmonizacijom domaćeg zakonodavstva, posebno poučeni iskustvima država sa dužom i empirijski bogatijom arbitražnom tradicijom.

Aristotelovi postulati društvenog uređenja kao uzor za modernu organizaciju države
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Moderni liberalizam u svetu, kao društveni okvir života i delovanja, u velikoj meri karakteriše politička učmalost i intelektualna dekadencija. Sa druge strane, dramatični porast interesovanja za Aristotelovo delo čini se da upravo odražava kulturne i političke, kao i čisto intelektualne promene društva u poslednje dve decenije. Usled nedorečenosti i praktične neprimenjivosti po određenim pitanjima, participativna demokratija, kao odgovor na stavove demokratije nove desnice, takođe je u velikoj meri izgubila moć da utiče na organizovanje današnjeg društva. Zato se uzori društvenog uređenja sve više traže u idejama drevnih mislilaca i klasičnim modelima socijalne solidarnosti. Upravo iz navedenih razloga, u današnje vreme iznova se otvaraju pitanja organizacije društva i države, politike, održivosti političkog sistema, učešća građana u vlasti, uloge srednje klase i obrazovanju o čemu ćemo u ovom radu posvetiti odgovarajuću pažnju kroz prizmu Aristotelovih postulata.