Institutional changes of the concepts "Cost" And "Business" Based on blokchein-technologies

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In the article we introduce a new concept of "agreed means of payment" as a new type of value, which allows you to carry out actions to obtain the possession, use and trust of the right. Given the fundamental difference of the concept of "cryptologist" from the concept of money. Money as a means of saving retains its social importance only depending on the obligations to perform operations by the institutions of the monetary system, that is, the society must trust those who are responsible for the safety of this money, that is, banks, and eventually the government. "Cryptologist" exclude this element, and allows the trust between the parties directly exchange, i.e. it is responsible for the preservation of the product itself and not its cash value. If the approach in the choice of cost accounting is changed, as well as the subject of ownership is information, identification and agreed solutions, then the concept of business activity is changed. For independent undertaken at your own risk activities aimed at systematically profit is added to the use of information and receipt of cryptostigmata on the basis of trust law. Cryptologist increases due to the increment by converting intellectual products.


Cost, blockchain, entrepreneurship, cryptocurrency, cryptologist, entrepreneurial activity

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