Institutional and cultural-mentality approaches to research on the role of culture in economic science

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Considering the influence of culture on the economy and the role of cultural factors in ensuring sustainable economic growth is one of the goals of this article. It also summarizes the different approaches associated with this relationship. At the same time, special attention is paid to the cultural factor in the context of economic science and its reflection in certain areas of economic thought. The study of economic problems related to the introduction to cultural values and the improvement of the cultural potential of the population is an important aspect of the cultural economy. Cultural economics is seen as an independent direction of economic science that explores problems related to the field of culture. In this area, they are responsible for the spread of cultural property among the general population and improving the cultural component of human potential in general. The inclusion of culture in modern economic research is justified by the fact that it affects economic behavior and the choice of economic entities through a system of values, and also forms vectors for the development of the modern system of social structure, determining the quality of institutions.


Culture, economy, culture economics, economic science, institutional and cultural-mentality approaches, cultural activity process, economic relations

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129525   |   DOI: 10.47629/2074-9201_2023_4.1_122_128

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