Institution of the right to freedom of movement, choice of residence and domicile within the Eurasian Economic Union

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The article deals with some aspects of legal regulation of the right to freedom of movement, choice of the place of residence and identifies the areas for further improvement of the institution under study in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. The proclamation and development of the mentioned right in the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union member states (hereinafter, the EAEC) is very important, because the right to freedom of movement is one of the main elements of the legal status of the individual. Considering “freedom of movement” and “freedom of choice of residence” on the structural and functional level and applying the above-mentioned classification of the elements that express the content of the mentioned subjective right, it's safe to say that it applies both to the right to freedom of movement and the right to free choice of residence. At the same time, the legislations of the EAEC countries have no definition of the above-mentioned concept. This fact greatly complicates the effectiveness of a number of normative legal acts and leads to confusion in law enforcement.


Freedom of movement, migration, legal regulation, eurasian economic union, place of residence, legal norms, guarantee, state, treaty

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IDR: 142232666

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