Tools for innovation management in industrial and civil construction based on digitalization

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The study presents tools for managing innovations in industrial and civil construction based on the digitalization of construction processes. Digitalization of innovative activities of construction organizations is the main technological factor and tool for developing competitiveness, as it promotes the formation of innovative technologies that create new product markets, and also modernizes them. The article presents approaches to innovative activities in the construction sector, it is shown that it is the subject of research by various scientists. The types of innovations in construction and their criteria are reflected. It is revealed that in practice the tools for managing innovative activities of industrial and civil construction organizations are reflected in the accumulation and implementation of innovative potential, which is a resource base, innovative reserves and reserves, and innovative capital. In the work, the author proposes tools for managing innovative activities of construction organizations based on the use of digital technologies that provide new management opportunities: effective and prompt implementation of innovative technologies, increasing the level of commercialization of innovations, which is reflected in the digital transformation of business. The article presents seven groups of tools for managing innovative activities, including tools for eliminating technological backwardness of the construction industry, problems of import substitution of products and technologies, structural and technological transformation based on digitalization. The author proposes a concept for managing innovative activities of construction organizations based on digitalization (digital platforms). To develop tools for managing innovative activities in construction, it is proposed to further improve strategic plans (inclusively up to 2030), in terms of developing innovative technologies based on artificial intelligence, representing a new model of tools for managing intellectual property and popularizing innovations.


Industrial and civil construction, innovation management tools, construction industry, innovation potential, competitive- ness, import substitution

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14131622

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