Integration of fire protection systems based on the digital automatic model

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The development of refineries increases the number and scale of fires and accidents, which cause damage both to the facilities themselves and to the surrounding buildings and structures, lives and health of people, the environment. That is why increasing the level of fire protection systems at refineries remains one of the most important components of ensuring the protection of the population from anthropogenic threats. The article presents the results of the analysis of accidents and fires at oil refineries (refinery) for 2015-2019. The issue of necessity to integrate fire protection system at the refinery is considered. The process of creation and functioning of the automated integrated fire protection management system is described in the article. This system is a new approach to solving the issue of safety of industrial facilities of oil refining industry. Creation of a new model of fire protection system based on digital automatic system is described. The article considers the scheme of generalized structure of digital automatic machine and graphs of digital automatic machine of automated integrated fire detection and monitoring system. The developed technology makes it possible to process the incoming signal contained in cyclograms into an intermediate form for synthesis of digital automatic machines by means of innovative tools.


Fire protection, automated control system, digital automatic machine, detection and monitoring system

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IDR: 147233770   |   DOI: 10.14529/ctcr200304

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