Intelligentsia and political dynamics in Kyrgyzstan: analysis of relationships and influences

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The article explores the influence of the intelligentsia on political processes in Kyrgyzstan. The author conducts a deep analysis of the relationship between the intelligentsia and the political environment, focusing on its role in shaping political trends in the country. The article examines key aspects of the intelligentsia's influence on political processes and the dynamics of public life. The study covers a period of time taking into account historical, social, and cultural contexts, which allows for a deeper understanding of the role of the intelligentsia in Kyrgyzstan's political life. The analysis of these relationships helps identify key factors that determine the dynamics of the political situation in the country and possible directions for future development. The article provides a valuable contribution to understanding the complex interplay between the intelligentsia and political dynamics in modern Kyrgyzstan.


Intelligentsia, political dynamics, influence, interconnections, political processes, role of the intelligentsia, public life, social contexts, analysis

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IDR: 170203346   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-33-36

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