The intensive physical exercise and enterosorption decrease of the adipose tissue mass in experimental animals

Автор: Lubaeva E.V., Malykhina I.V., Markov I.I., Alchimovich V.L.

Журнал: Морфологические ведомости @morpholetter

Рубрика: Оригинальные исследования

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.24, 2016 года.

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The study was performed on outbred albino rats (aged 4 months) weighing 160,0+8,0г (n=15). The animals of group 1 (n=10) had strenuous dynamic exercise (swimming) while the animals of group P (n=5) were controls. The animals of group 1 were administered 0.5 g the Megamin enterosorbent daily for 30 days/ The material (soleus musdcle and vastus laterakis muscle of the thigh, hypodermically - fatty tissue, intestine walls, greater omemtum) was examined on serial paraffin sections staned by hematoxykin and eosin according to Heidenhain and to Shabadash. The findings attest the increase in muscle bulk and decrease in adipose tissue bulk, as well as the enhanced microvasculature activity of the intestine wall and greater omentum.


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IDR: 143177094

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