Interdisciplinary study of anthropological material from the settlement of Shagalaly II
Автор: Sakenov S., Raissova A., Mysyr O., Aydn Tavuku Z.
Журнал: Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Причерноморья @maiask
Статья в выпуске: 18, 2024 года.
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Due to the widespread use of natural science methods in archaeological research, the study of intramural burials of the Bronze Age is becoming more relevant. The paper presents for the first time the results of an anthropological analysis conducted on materials obtained on the territory of the settlement of Shagalaly II (Zerendy district, Akmola region, Republic of Kazakhstan). Based on the results of archaeological and anthropological research, the burial materials given in the article are interpreted and divided into several categories. Structural and comparative analyses revealed the following types of intramural burials on the territory of the settlement: special burials, building sacrifices and the reuse of existing burial structures. Burial complexes in settlements make it possible to reconstruct the religious and ideological views of the population of the Bronze Age.
Eurasia, northern kazakhstan, bronze age, anthropological analysis, settlement, intramural burials, construction sacrifices
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IDR: 14131545 | DOI: 10.53737/2713-2021.2024.19.63.001
Список литературы Interdisciplinary study of anthropological material from the settlement of Shagalaly II
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