International legal regulation of energy relations: historical aspect

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Questions of international legal regulation of the energy relations are considered, the historical aspect of their development is shown in this article. The author has shown problems in the energy sphere which the mankind had faced now. These are the energy calls dictated by globalization process, accelerated by growth of economies and the population in certain regions, exhaustion and extremely uneven distribution of resources on the planet, excessive adverse load of surrounding environment. The author shows a big role to cooperation of the states in energy as to a way of the solution of these problems. The problem of improvement of international legal regulation of the energy relations, as at the universal and regional level is acquired special relevance.


Energy relations, international atomic energy agency, international energy agency, cooperation, fuel and energy resources

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IDR: 14120138

Список литературы International legal regulation of energy relations: historical aspect

  • Али Дахер-ат-Туфайли. Международно-правовые вопросы структуры и деятельности Организации стран - экспортеров нефти (ОПЕК). Автореферат дисс. канд. юрид. наук. Киев, 1981. С. 8 - 9.
  • Джабраилов С.З. Общая характеристика Всемирной торговой организации. М., 1998. С. 2 - 4.
  • Доклад Генерального секретаря ООН «Энергетика и транспорт». Организационная сессия 30 апреля -2 мая 2001. E/CN.17/2001/PC/20.
  • Дюмулен И.И. Всемирная торговая организация. М., 1997. С. 51.
  • Жизнин С.З. Энергетическая дипломатия России на рубеже XX и XXI веков (Внешнеэкономические аспекты). Автореферат дисс. канд. эконом. наук. M., 1998. С. 3.
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