Web presence of the company as a condition for successful business

Автор: Srboljub Milosavljević, Sonja Radenković

Журнал: Ekonomski signali @esignali

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.5, 2010 года.

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Internet marketing has already become very signifficant segment of the public presence for both big and small comanies, as well as the persons. The Internet as a medium is still underestimated in Serbia for no reason, but there is a growing number of people who understand the necessitz and electronic presence. The online presence of the companies is no longer a matter of prestige and individual desire; it has become a necessary item in each company. It makes sence and will bring the success only if the marketing and business strategy of the Internet is propertly designed for one company. This paper provides a basic quideliness that is necessary for the appearance and visibility of contemporary companies in terms of the vast space of information – the Cyberspace.


Internet Marketing, Online presence, Internet business plan

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170204258

IDR: 170204258

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