Interviews instead of concerts: updating mentative interviews with musicians in the pandemic times

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In the non-concert period of 2020, interviews with famous musicians on the ClassicalMusicNews portal show strengthening of the trend identified and described by the author in the previous publications. The traditional narrative interview disappears, since the event chronotope of musical events is temporarily lost, the emerging niche is occupied by the mentative interview. The author describes the phenomenon of such type of interviews, introduces the distinctive features of mentative and narrative interviews, proposes the concept of a grid of questions for mentative interview, describes the methodology for analyzing interviews from this perspective. The interpretation of the tendency of actualizing the mentative interview is developed along four lines: the influence of extralinguistic factors on the discourse space, the transformation of reference and the modification of the text, the place of the mentative in the history of literature and the pattern of its actualization, the degree of mastery of the narrative and the mentative in the discourse of our time.


Interview with a famous musician, narrative, mentative, communication strategies, non-concert period, interpretation, mental grid of interviewer's questions

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147237714   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2022-21-6-89-98

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