Investigation of the effect of indolyl acetic acid and naphthenic acid on the root development of olive cuttings

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The influence of growth factors on the development of callus and roots in the biennial cuttings of the olive plants were investigated in a comparative manner. The experiments were conducted in the greenhouse of the Absheron Experimental Station. One-year and two-year cuttings of the olive plant were taken as the object of the study. Growth agents (indolyl acetic acid and Na+-salt of naphthenic acid) were used to influence the rapid rooting of shoots. During the conducted experiments, different results were obtained in different options. In comparison with the control variant, the positive effect of indolyl acetic acid and Na+-salt of naphthenic acid on olive cuttings were observed. According to the conducted studies, it was found that the rooting of the cuttings was accelerated as a result of the effect of growth substances. The number of rooting and callus was higher in two-year cuttings than in one-year cuttings. Thus, 49 out of 60 (81%) two-year cuttings were rooted by using of indolyl acetic acid, and 50 were rooted (83%) when callus was exposed to the Na+-salt of naphthenic acid, in 9 were observed having callus, only in 1 wasn’t observed development. The Na+-salt of Naphthenic acid had a better effect on rooting and the number of calluses among growth substances. As a result, it was determined that for the rapid development of the olive plant, cuttings should be taken from healthy and well-nourished trees and Naphthenic acid Na+-salt should be kept for a specified time (12 hours) and concentration (0.005%).


Olive cuttings, indolyl acetic acid, na+-salt of naphthenic acid

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129899   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/101/22

Список литературы Investigation of the effect of indolyl acetic acid and naphthenic acid on the root development of olive cuttings

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