Investment in macroeconomics

Автор: Khamidov I., Abdubosidova M., Fayziev Sh.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 5 (26), 2019 года.

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This article discusses the concept and factors of investment that determine the value. Gross and net investment. Investment demand functions.

Macroeconomics, investment, factor, function, gross and net investment

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IDR: 140264649

Список литературы Investment in macroeconomics

  • Investment in human resources is the most important condition for the development of modern high-tech production. Dryapak OG Innovations - # 8,2005
  • Igonina Zh.I. Market investment in the modern economy. / Krasnoyarsk: Publishing South. Institute of Management, 2003
  • Ivanov N.I. State regulation of investment activities in the region. / SPb: Asterion, 2005
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