The results of pregnancy among women with natural course of congenital heart disease and after its treatment

Автор: Kostrovskaya M.V., Kuleshova R.G.

Журнал: Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия @journal-meshalkin

Рубрика: Врожденные пороки сердца

Статья в выпуске: 2-3 т.2, 1998 года.

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Investigated is the course and results of pregnancy among 81 women with CHD, and 76 women earlier have been treated surgically. Immature pregnancy has occurred in 3-18% and miscarriage - 3-8% with "pale" congenital heart diseases (CHD), 32-69% and 24-38% respectively with "cianotic" CHD. Premature birth has been observed in 18% of cases, miscarriage - 4% among patients operated previously. Cesarean section has been done in 6-8% among women with "pale" CHD, 37-11% - with "cianotic" CHD and 12-16% - after the surgical treatment. Deterioration of health during pregnancy has been observed among 3.8% of women, caused by miocardial insufficiency, arrhythmies and in some cases - by the activation of bacterial endocarditis. The frequency of CDH among newborns has been observed in 1.3% of cases.


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IDR: 142233287

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