Islamic states and international space law

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The object of the article is the study on the basis of cooperation between states - members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) with the subjects of international space law, as well as the study of the level of participation of the Islamic states in the United Nations treaties on outer space. This article analyzes the main theories of the relationship of Islamic states to international law, and provides the different levels of attitude: the confrontational attitude based on a radical approach; passive attitude on the basis of soft-touch surface approach; interactive relationship based on a balanced and moderate approach, Which also proves that Islam recognizes the lattes approach(interactive relationship). The results of this article indicate that,In accordance with the documents of the UN General Assembly, a part of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space( COPUOS) includes 27 of the 57 Member States of the OIC. also 6 of 57 OIC Member States have signed,and 28 states have signed and ratified between 1 to 5 of United Nations treaties on outer space. Besides, the overall 22 states out of 57 states - members of the OIC signed and ratified between 3 to 5 of the United Nations treaties on outer space. Generally, this study shows an average cooperation and reflects the attention of Islamic countries to international space law.


Islamic states, the organisation of islamic cooperation (oic), international law, international space law

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IDR: 142232564

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