Use of car chargers on common property

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This article discusses the issues of installing electrical charging systems on the territory of common property, connecting to its networks, and commercial use of common property. Currently, electric cars and cars with hybrid power plants are becoming increasingly popular. The state does its best to promote the development of environmentally friendly vehicles by providing various tax preferences and benefits. However, this issue also has a downside - places to charge such cars. In addition to separate charging stations in the form of classic gas stations, more and more installations are appearing, located within walking distance or even inside home parking lots. Installation of such equipment on private property for personal use is the responsibility of the owner of the home or adjacent area. Of course, this puts additional strain on local electrical networks - a street or a block. The voltage and quality of the current may decrease, but the topic of this work is cases when such an installation is carried out on the territory of an apartment building, its adjacent territory or parking space.


Common property, owners, meeting of owners, decision of the general meeting, commercial use, charging station, electricity, fire safety

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IDR: 170203207   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-3-191-196

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