Application of «Beryozka» balsam with the aim of maintenance of the chemotherapy dose intensity in adjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer

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The effect of «Beryozka» balsam (shelf fungus product) on peripheral link of leukocytes and dose intensity of cytostatic drugs was assessed for patients with operable breast cancer patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy according to CAF schedule. The study included 120 patients who received 626 courses of chemotherapy. All patients were divided into 3 groups. Group I patients (40) received balsam continuously, group II patients (40) received balsam during chemotherapy and group III patients did not receive balsam during the whole period of treatment. The time period of leukopenia was significantly shorter in Group I patients than in the control group (p


Breast cancer, adjuvant chemotherapy, dose intensity, shelf fungus

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14055173

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