The use of elements of ideomotor training while learning the basic technical elements of aikido

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The technical training of novice aikidoists in various international schools of aikido is analyzed. The use of non-traditional means of physical and psychological training, in particular, taken from the Eastern martial arts, in order to strengthen health, development of physical qualities and socialization of young students is an urgent task, both for the theory and practice of physical education. Groups of basic technical elements of aikido are allocated. It is offered on the basis of visualization of the images included in system of preparation of athletes to use elements of ideomotor training in technical preparation of the beginning aikidoists. The long-term effect of aikido acquired in the process of training and training with the use of designated training methods is predicted.


Technical training in aikido, means of ideomotor training, mental images, comprehensive sports training, visualization of actions, figurative trainings

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IDR: 140246878

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