The use of microscopy as a perspective method to study a microstructure of wheat dough

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The microscopic studies and new laboratory methods of their processing open up new possibilities when the microstructure of food products is examined. The introduction of computer technology for improvement of image quality provides a possibility of practical use of the obtained results in the scientific field. It’s noted that in the context of microscopic enlargement the received images using the method of fluorescence microscopy can be compared with the pictures, which are taken with the help of electron scanning microscopy. Only fluorescence microscopy enables one to get colour images, more accurate results, which help to identify the presence and a substance amount. The paper presents data of different Russian and foreign scholars on the dough structure, its effect on further processes of production and storage qualities of finished goods. The author presents his own studies on the microstructure of wheat dough with the help of electron scanning microscopy. The detailed description of the received results is given. The author emphasizes that it’s impossible to identify one or another dough components in some experimental pictures. For more detailed information about the structure of wheat dough the data on the use of fluorescence microscopy according to S.H. Peighambardoust and M.R. Dadpour, which describe advantages and information value of their method, are given. Different theories on formation of dough structure, processes happening during its mixing and maturation are mentioned. It’s noted that a fundamental defect of electron scanning microscopy (receiving monochromatic images) without selecting separate components in the course of food products examination can be compensated by the method of fluorescence microscopy, which helps owing to different spectral emission of components to determine their presence and quantitative changes.


Fluorescence microscopy, electron scanning microscopy, dough microstructure, image processing

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147160768   |   DOI: 10.14529/food150403

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