Non-standard transport in Russian tourism

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Tourism as a complex area of the economy depends on various components, including the development of infrastructure, primarily transport. One of the aspects of tourist transport services is the creation and use of unusual modes of transport. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to characterize the use of non-standard modes of transport in tourism in Russia. This goal is achieved by substantiating the study of this problem, and various research methods allow us to draw appropriate conclusions regarding the concept of «non-standard modes of transport» and role of such modes of transport in tourism. The experience of various countries in the use of non-standard modes of transport has been studied and its main directions have been highlighted. The emphasis is on rail, land and specialized transport, some varieties of which are used in tourism in Russia. When characterizing rail transport, the author identifies children's railways as the most promising type of transport for tourist use. Among the land-based modes of transport, fantastar is noted as an environmentally friendly, innovative, promising type of non-standard transport. Cable cars are separately noted as a specialized mode of transport, which is also widely used in the transportation of tourists. The author identifies the problems of using nonstandard modes of transport in Russian tourism and identifies some prospects for the future.


Tourism, non-standard modes of transport, transfers, excursions, cable cars, children's railways, fantastar

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305411   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12629257

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