Using informal education resources in the system of additional training for teachers

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Considering systemic changes in education there is a need to find new approaches, techniques, methods and forms of training teachers and include informal education resources within the system of additional vocational education. Informal education can be presented in various ways. Firstly, informal education is an open, variable system able tp respond quickly to the professional needs of an adult. Secondly, it is a special kind of communicative activity with macro, meso, and micro levels. Thirdly, it is a kind of individual course in further training, considering the professional «shortage» of teachers. Here we consider a particular model for including informal education in the system of additional vocational training, namely, internship sites. In this context, an internship site is a specially organized temporary subsystem of an educational institution for implementing additional vocational training programs, carrying out further educational activities, with all the necessary resources and conditions, and organized in cooperation with companies specializing in different particular areas...


Additional vocational training, informal education, resource support, inclusion models

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IDR: 14116906

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