The application of silphium perfoliatum in the system of green and raw material conveyors

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An experimental material is presented on the use of syphium piercing-sheet in the system of green and raw materials conveyors in the conditions of Western Siberia. Its place is shown among 13 types of non-traditional fodder crops, the period of use for green fodder and as a raw material for harvesting silage, haylage and artificially dried fodder. A comparative assessment is made of the productivity of these crops, of which the highest is in sylphia pierced-leaf. The collection of absolutely dry matter is 10.6 t / ha, feed units - 6.36, crude protein - 2.78 t / ha, exceeding the traditional corn crop by these indicators by 1.7-3.2 times. For the conditions of Western Siberia, we have developed a scheme for using the syphic grass stand in the system of green and raw materials conveyors, taking into account the quality and dynamics of the growth of its green mass during the growing season. In the first crop in the period from the third decade of May to the end of June (the phase of planting - budding), the herbage of sylphia in chemical composition is a source of valuable highly nourishing green food. From June to the beginning of July, it can be used as raw material for the preparation of herbal artificially dried fodder. The green mass of sylphium, removed from the beginning phase and until full flowering, in terms of chemical composition, meets the requirements for raw materials suitable for the preparation of haylage. The feeding value of sylphia in the second crop is higher than in the first, due to the prevalence of leaves in the grass stand. In the second cut, you can start mowing green fodder from the middle of the first decade of July until the first decade of August. For harvesting artificially dried herbal feeds, herbage sylphs should be cleaned from the beginning of August to the beginning of September, and for haylage - at the beginning of flowering (from the beginning to the middle of September). In the case of the first cutting in late terms, the second cutting (from the third decade of September to the first decade of October) is an additional source of highly nutritious green fodder.


Non-traditional fodder crops, silphium perfoliatum, green and raw conveyors, chemical composition, slope

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142213509

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