The use of special knowledge in order to detect and overcome countering actions against investigations of cases over commercial bribery

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Recently, the role of special knowledge in the investigation of corruption-related crimes, including commercial bribery, is rapidly growing. This is largely due to the development and improvement of technologies, which allows criminals to realize their criminal intentions in increasingly sophisticated ways and to apply the most effective measures to counteract criminal prosecution. Persons assisting by their participation to prove and implement the appointment of criminal proceedings are specialists and experts. Their participation in the investigation of criminal cases raises the effectiveness of investigative actions, makes them more focused and complete. A specialist is able to introduce in a series of evidence those that could be missed by the investigator due to his lack of information on special issues. The expert is able to carry out an in-depth analysis of the information content of the tracks found on the scene as a collection of different information fields, which helps in exposing countermeasures that are aimed at distorting and preventing the traces of crime. The qualified and appropriate use of special knowledge and related scientific and technical means is one of the most effective directions in the forensic support of identifying and overcoming attempts to counteract the investigation.


Special knowledge, specialist, expert, forensic examination, polygraph, expert opinion, specialist's testimony, investigator, counteraction to investigation, counter-opposition

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IDR: 142232758

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