Application of static - dynamic exercises in the process of fitness-aerobics activities for developing the ability to muscular efforts differentiation

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The article is devoted to the problem of forming the ability to muscular efforts differentiation of girls engaged in fitness-aerobics, as the optimal performance of all elements of the competitive composition requires athlete’s complex controlling actions. The authors have developed and implemented in the training process complexes of statodynamic exercises, the use of which has a beneficial effect on intermuscular and intramuscular coordination. The proposed exercise allows us to improve the abilities of athletes of the main group for differential reproduction of power characteristics, which is reflected in the indicators of special physical preparedness. Also the quality of performance of competitive composition has increased, that indicates the best technical preparedness of gymnasts. This is an indicator of the validity and effectiveness of the presented special complexes of statodynamic exercises.


Fitness-aerobics, statоdynamic exercise, carpal dynamometry, motor ability, differentiation of muscular efforts

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140246881

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