The use of technical means to prevent the illegal import of narcotic drugs
Автор: Vanin D., Yapryntseva V., Akhmedzyanov R.R.
Журнал: Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук @intjournal
Рубрика: Юридические науки
Статья в выпуске: 10-1 (97), 2024 года.
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Currently, the problem of illegal importation of goods is the main threat to national security, the solution of which is entrusted to the customs service. The illegal import of narcotic drugs is a special problem that affects not only the economic performance of the State, but also the life and health of the population. The article discusses the main aspects of the illegal import of narcotic drugs, as well as the main technical means of customs control that facilitate the search for prohibited substances.
Narcotic drugs, law enforcement, customs authorities, technical means, customs control, inspection complexes
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170206858 | DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-1-254-257