Use of foreign experience for the higher education in the sphere of information technologies

Автор: Vesna E.B., Zajtsev K.S., Sergievsky M.V., Todorovich A.I.

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Управление качеством образования

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2012 года.

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Article is devoted the comparative analysis of curricula of the leading domestic and foreign universities specializing on preparation of bachelors for the IT industry - quickly developing areas in which Russia, undoubtedly, has considerable potential, but results of formation yet not so impressing, as though it would be desirable. Perfection of educational programs in the field of IT according to the accepted standards of leading foreign countries should be made on the one hand, on a substantial scale, and, on the other hand, is as much as possible weighed, keeping accepted in the best high schools of our country the fundamental approach to education.


Higher professional education, quality of education, content of education, information technologies, рейтинг it-дисциплин, rating it-disciplines, weight of discipline, national research university, curricula, staff mobility

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IDR: 142140001

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