Investigation of diesel fuels by fluorescence spectroscopy in the investigation of arson

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Due to the strict growth in the number of fire-technical examinations on arson committed with the help of special tools, the detection and investigation of the remains of the combustion initiators on the objects-carriers removed from the fire site, remains a very urgent task at the present time. Research has been carried out on the detection of initial and burnt-out flammable and combustible liquids used in arson by the method of fluorescence spectroscopy. The article describes the possibilities of using the method of fluorescence spectroscopy to establish traces of diesel fuels in the studied objects in order to confirm or exclude arson as the cause of fire.


Combustion initiators, arson, laboratory research, intensifiers, flammable liquid, fluorescent spectroscopy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143173368   |   DOI: 10.24411/2587-9820-2020-10057

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