Study of factors of physical nature used for intensification of biotechnological processes

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Currently there are numerous ways to improve the quality of raw materials, reduce the duration of technological process and increase the preservation capacity of bread and bakery products. Most of them are based on the introduction of additional components that promote fermentation processes intensification and the development of a protein matrix and swelling of starch granules which leads to the desired result. The introduction of additional components is often associated with an increase in the cost of finished products and falls on consumer spending. Also one cannot ignore the fact that the introduction of additional components significantly change the traditional recipe and by adding more and more new enhancers, stabilizers, and intensifiers the manufacturer can no longer go back to the traditional production which leads to loss of generally traditional recipes and methods of production of bread and bakery products. In this regard the study of the factors of the physical nature used for intensification of biotechnological processes is the most relevant, since it allows to preserve traditional recipes, not to introduce additional chemical components which have a non-studied influence on human body and at the same time make it possible to adjust disadvantages of raw materials and get a product of a set quality. The author notes that as the factor of physical nature used for intensification of biotechnological processes the activation of water resulting from simultaneous effect of DC nanosecond electromagnetic pulses can be considered. As a second method for intensification of biotechnological processes the activation of water treated with ultrasound (US) can be considered.


Food industry, bread and bakery products, nanosecond electromagnetic pulses, ultrasonic treatment, traditional production methods

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147160780   |   DOI: 10.14529/food160102

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