Research the wearproof electrometalic coatings from powder wires with mineral modifying additives

Автор: Lebedev M.P., Vinokurov G.G., Kychkin A.K., Struchkov N.F., Lebedev D.I.

Журнал: Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук @izvestiya-ssc

Рубрика: Недра и их использование

Статья в выпуске: 1-2 т.11, 2009 года.

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Are carried out comparative researches of chemical and phase compound, structure and microhardness thermogas coverings from experimental powder wires with modifying mineral additives. The studied laws of wear process of coverings from powder wires at a sliding friction have shown an opportunity of use the mineral associations from deposits of Republic Saha (Yakutia) as additives in wearproof powder materials for reception of coverings with raised operating abilities.

Mineral additives, powder materials, operational properties

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IDR: 148198296

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